October 5th, 2019 - March 15th, 2020 at Centralne Museum of Textile Łódźhief
Chief curator: Marta Kowalewska
The International Triennial of Tapestry in Łódź, the oldest and the most important presentation of phenomena connected with the medium of textiles, in 2019 takes place for the 16th time. with 50 artists from 21 countries.
The exhibition is an exceptional opportunity to show how each artist approaches the use of textile based materials, techniques and performance. Discussions on textiles, performance, societal impact and politics are generally infused with passion and urgency but rarely receive the critical attention they deserve. This unique show emphasises how contemporary, research-based and conceptually engaged work achieves just that.
The theme is “Breaching Borders.” This topic includes many problems of the modern world, which redefine the meaning of the identity of our civilization, ethnic groups, social groups or each of us individually.
Read more: https://cmwl.pl/public/informacje/16-miedzynarodowe-triennale-tkaniny,68
View main hall the Textile Museum Lodz.